
Why choose Focal Point Hypnosis?

  • Simple
There’s no need to complicate things. All intake forms, payments, appointment reminders, scheduling, and your ability to contact me are all accomplished easily online.
  • Convenient
All sessions are done via zoom in the comfort of your own home. No more sitting through traffic for your appointments!
  •  Effective
I utilize the most up to date techniques and cater all sessions to you. Using a client centered approach means no cookie cutter scripts for everyone. This improves the outcome of your sessions!
  • Available
My virtual hypnosis business allows me the ability to cater to YOUR schedule. No regular office hours, no weekends off. No matter what shift you work, be assured I can help when it’s convenient for you!

Why choose Focal Point Hypnosis?

I provide a no b.s. approach with my clients.  During our consultation we will discuss any challenges or questions you may have about the hypnotic process.  If we aren’t a good match that’s ok!  I only work with clients who are 100% committed to the process.  Your time and money are valuable. Don’t book an appointment unless you truly WANT to improve the quality of your life.

All sessions are conveniently provided online to maximize your comfort.

Who wants to get stuck in traffic on the way to a hypnotist’s office after a long day at work? Just find a quiet spot at home, put on a pair of headphones and enjoy the process.  Feel safe and relaxed in the comfort of your own home.
A simple step by step process to book an appointment.  I don’t do “strategy sessions” or hide my pricing.  Everything you need is on my website.  You can either get in touch with me using any of the methods I provide on this website or you can book an appointment yourself on the scheduling page.  All intake forms, reminders, payments etc are all automated.  



This stop smoking protocol will make you a non smoker in just ONE 3 hour session using the most up to date hypnotic techniques that’ll insure your success without the need for patches or gum.

lose weight

The purpose of this protocol is not simply to lose weight but to release whatever issues caused the weight gain in the first place. After 8 weeks you’ll have new healthy habits that will remain with you and ensure the weight stays off for good.

Everything ELSE

No matter what challenges you’re facing, hypnosis can help.  Find out how hypnosis can optimize your life.

Free phone consultation

Free zoom consultation

Unraveling Misconceptions and Inspiring Confidence

There’s still a lot of skepticism around this industry and have to explain the myths behind it, and then once they feel comfortable.1000 Patients! These results provide further evidence that gut-focused hypnotherapy is an effective intervention for refractory IBS.

The main disorders that have been treated by hypnotic techniques are migraines, asthma and gastrointestinal disorders. The results have shown a significant decrease of pain level and symptom relief for these patients.

Medical hypnosis is an effective, safe, noninvasive, and inexpensive tool for reducing the anticipatory distress and acclimatization time for NPPV (Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation). This therapy is particularly useful in children with traumatic experiences, such as a tracheotomy or facial surgical procedures.

Medical hypnosis is an effective, safe, noninvasive, and inexpensive tool for reducing the anticipatory distress and acclimatization time for NPPV (Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation). This therapy is particularly useful in children with traumatic experiences, such as a tracheotomy or facial surgical procedures.

Collectively this body of research shows unequivocally that for both adults and children with IBS, hypnosis treatment is highly efficacious in reducing bowel symptoms and can offer lasting and substantial symptom relief for a large proportion of patients who do not respond adequately to usual medical treatment approaches.

  • Hypnosis appears to reduce perceived hot flashes in breast cancer survivors and may have additional benefits such as reduced anxiety and depression, and improved sleep.
  • Smoking Cessation: 81% Quit smoking with hypnosis, and the majority of those who quit remained smoke-free a year later.
  • Studies report positive results, including statistically significant reductions in pain and anxiety/distress
  • Hypnosis helped people lose weight in both the short-term and in the long-term.
  • Hypnosis controls pain! Hypnosis has direct effects on many suprasinal sites involved in the experience of pain.
  • By using hypnoanalysis on those who failed to respond to DSIH, 33 of 41 (80%) consecutive patients were cured, two were lost to follow-up, and six did not respond to treatment. Self-hypnosis was not used.

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stop smoking

Hypnosis is your key to breaking free!

Watch the intro below

So why haven’t you stopped smoking?  There are 2 main reasons. 

  1. You’re not ready to quit…yet

Your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and even your spouse has BEGGED you to stop but you just didn’t want to quit…yet.  The fact of the matter is until you really want to quit, there is no magic solution.

  1. You’ve tried countless other methods in the past and they haven’t worked so you gave up. The patch? Tried it. The gum? Tried it. Cold turkey? Tried it.  Shots, pills, the list goes on and on, you’ve tried it all…except.  Hypnosis.

Hypnosis can succeed where other methods have failed.  How?  It incorporates the re-programming of your subconscious mind.  That craving mind, that voice that says…”It’s ok…just one more drag before bed.  You’ve had a rough day.  I can help.” Those physical cravings, that inner voice, are the results of bad programming combined with an even worse habit.  Once your smoking became a habit, it was game over.  You smoked mindlessly.  It was like breathing to you.  The same subconscious mind that was programmed to smoke can be re-programmed to kill your cigarette cravings once and for all.

What are the benefits of my hypnosis protocol?

  • The protocol I use is much more effective than basic, cookie cutter hypnosis. I won’t just bombard you with positive suggestions.  I will retrain your nervous system to release the cravings from your body within minutes of the session.  Don’t believe that’s possible?  Great! I respect your skepticism.  It’ll make your transformation that much more enjoyable for the both of us.
  • You WILL be a non-smoker after ONE session. After the session, cigarettes will seem like a distant memory of something that you USED to do but no longer enjoy. 
  • It’s free! OK not exactly.  But TECHNICALLY if you do the math, yep.  How is that possible you may ask?  Luckily for you I have done the leg work for you.  Below is a worksheet that does all that pesky math for you.  Simply fill in the yellow boxes and press the enter button.  In the long run, not only will you save tens of thousands of dollars over the span of your life but you’ll also get an average of 10 extra years of life as an added bonus.

    So let me ask you a very important question? How much is your life worth?

The average smoker spends $3,000 dollars every year to poison themselves with cigarettes.

What if you were offered an investment for about $600 that would pay you back between $1,500 & $3,500 within a year?

What if that one time investment paid you back the same amount every year for the rest of your life?  Sounds too good to be true?

Put that money into a 401K, this can add up to over a million dollars over the next 40 years.  That’s the same as winning the lottery! Except this isn’t luck. It’s a smart investment, and a sure thing. (Someone lacking vision might say, “I can’t afford to pay $600”) …No Problem!

What if this didn’t cost a single extra dime out of your budget?  What if all it cost was what you were already spending, in 2 months on a nasty habit that

was poisoning you?  You now realize there are no more excuses.

What if by giving up that bad habit the medical experts said you could gain back on average an extra 10 years of life?  How much would you pay to live 10 years longer?? What would you do with those extra years?  Imagine all the additional celebrations you can now experience with loved ones. How many dream destinations could you travel to?  How many people can you inspire simply by being alive? …But what if the quality of your life improved as well?…

What if by giving up that nasty habit you immediately felt healthier and had more energyWhat if your breathing improved, your coughs and colds

went away, the smell on your breath and clothes disappeared, you looked, felt and acted younger…and it was Easy?

What if you said YES to this unbelievable investment in yourself, and you made a decision to take back control of your life, and by doing so you felt

empowered again?  You knew you were setting a powerful example for the children in your life, and others who know you.  And What if this feeling of

energy and empowerment spread to all the other areas of your life, and you found yourself more successful in your relationships and at your work?

What if a person you know felt inspired by you and did the same, and you began sending powerful positive ripples out into the world??  How tall would

you feel??  How many others would you want to share this life changing gift with??  Picture yourself living from your highest, most confident self, versus

the old, “I tried to quit before but nothing worked.”

What if there was no What if?  The truth is, everything on this path is already yours because you decided to invest in yourself today!

Make an appointment NOW.  The part of your mind that wants to keep you smoking is telling you to put this off, and think about it…DON’T!!!  You know that’s a trap to keep you smoking.  Break free!

There are only 3 things required for your success.

Desire to succeed

100% no nonsense commitment to the process. Nobody can force you to want to lose weight. You need to know WHY you want to lose weight. Do you want to live long enough to walk your daughter down the aisle? Do you want to attract the love of your life? Do you just want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for air? Whatever it is, figure out why and use that as leverage.

A strategy that works for you

I myself have dabbled in countless dieting fads throughout the years. Atkins, 6 meals a day, 1 meal a day, starving myself, the zone diet etc Truth be told they all worked to some extent. Talk to your dietician, consult with your doctor and make sure whatever you do is safe. Once you get the green light from your medical professionals, pick something that works for you.


Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. There will be days that you won’t want to work out. There will be family gatherings where mom makes your favorite comfort foods. There will be celebrations with your friends where drinking may be involved. The key is to keep going. Forgive yourself, keep moving forward. Losing a pound or two a week may sound slow but what would you rather do? Lose 20 pounds in a month and gain it all back? Or would you rather lose 1-2 pounds per week and create life-long habits?

Annihilate cravings

Motivation for exercise

Stress reduction

Lose Weight

I’m not going to bore you with the statistics on the obesity problem that exists worldwide  I’m sure you’ve scene the data.  You know the health ramifications, the feelings of being unlovable and the constant fatigue.  Everyone seems to have an opinion on the best weight loss method.  If you spend 5 minutes on social media it seems like everyone is a personal trainer, dietician or expert on weight loss.  I’m not a doctor or a dietician.  My goal is to provide 2 things, simplicity and effectiveness.  Success starts in the mind.  Allow me to provide you with the the necessary tools to reach your goal.

There are only 3 things required for your success.

Desire to succeed

100% no nonsense commitment to the process. Nobody can force you to want to lose weight. You need to know WHY you want to lose weight. Do you want to live long enough to walk your daughter down the aisle? Do you want to attract the love of your life? Do you just want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for air? Whatever it is, figure out why and use that as leverage.

A strategy that works for you

I myself have dabbled in countless dieting fads throughout the years. Atkins, 6 meals a day, 1 meal a day, starving myself, the zone diet etc Truth be told they all worked to some extent. Talk to your dietician, consult with your doctor and make sure whatever you do is safe. Once you get the green light from your medical professionals, pick something that works for you.


Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. There will be days that you won’t want to work out. There will be family gatherings where mom makes your favorite comfort foods. There will be celebrations with your friends where drinking may be involved. The key is to keep going. Forgive yourself, keep moving forward. Losing a pound or two a week may sound slow but what would you rather do? Lose 20 pounds in a month and gain it all back? Or would you rather lose 1-2 pounds per week and create life-long habits?

Why hypnosis?

Annihilate cravings

Motivation for exercise

Stress reduction

Dieting sucks!  What’s the point of paying for a fancy meal prep service if you don’t actually eat the healthy food?  What’s the point of having a gym membership if you aren’t motivated to go workout?  What’s the point of receiving amazing advice from your doctors if you sabotage your success every step of the way? 

There’s a reason you keep sabotaging your success. I have no clue what that reason is.  You may not have a clue either.  The truth resides in your subconscious.  Hypnosis helps to reprogram your mind for success.  Take that next step forward.  Make an appointment today!

Everything Else

Hypnosis as a modality is so flexible that it can help with almost anything you can think of.  Medical support, pain management, fears, test anxiety, sports enhancement, getting over a bad break-up, confidence issues, IBS, relieving stress, etc  Anything that can be coached can be improved with the help of hypnosis.  Want to improve your golf game? Hypnosis  Do you bite your nails? Hypnosis  Are you CEO of a Fortune 500 company and need new ideas to make your stock holders happy? Hypnosis.  I’m not exaggerating. In fact I highly recommend I work as a team with your coach, trainer, dietitian or psychologist.  If you had a traumatic experience and you need to move on from it, your psychologist (with your permission) can issue guidelines for me.  I will never step outside my scope of practice.  If you’re about to undergo surgery I can discuss a plan with your doctor (what is an ideal outcome, what are some common challenges patients need to overcome, etc)  I don’t treat any illness.  I simply provide suggestions to your subconscious mind in order for you to receive the best possible outcome for whatever you’re going through. 

Anything that can be coached using the conscious mind can be enhanced with hypnosis using the subconscious mind.  During your free consultation we will discuss your goals.  If I feel it is outside my scope of practice or it’s not something that’s unethical (retrieval of repressed memories are an example) I will not hesitate to refer you to someone else.  My only goal is to help you reach yours but I always maintain my integrity in the process. 

So what are you waiting for? Everyone needs an edge these days.  A lot of your favorite athletes, actors and musicians use hypnosis to improve their performance and enhance creativity.  Take that first step and get in touch with me today.

There are only 3 things required for your success.

Desire to succeed

100% no nonsense commitment to the process. Nobody can force you to want to lose weight. You need to know WHY you want to lose weight. Do you want to live long enough to walk your daughter down the aisle? Do you want to attract the love of your life? Do you just want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without gasping for air? Whatever it is, figure out why and use that as leverage.

A strategy that works for you

I myself have dabbled in countless dieting fads throughout the years. Atkins, 6 meals a day, 1 meal a day, starving myself, the zone diet etc Truth be told they all worked to some extent. Talk to your dietician, consult with your doctor and make sure whatever you do is safe. Once you get the green light from your medical professionals, pick something that works for you.


Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. There will be days that you won’t want to work out. There will be family gatherings where mom makes your favorite comfort foods. There will be celebrations with your friends where drinking may be involved. The key is to keep going. Forgive yourself, keep moving forward. Losing a pound or two a week may sound slow but what would you rather do? Lose 20 pounds in a month and gain it all back? Or would you rather lose 1-2 pounds per week and create life-long habits?

Why hypnosis?

Annihilate cravings

Motivation for exercise

Stress reduction

Dieting sucks!  What’s the point of paying for a fancy meal prep service if you don’t actually eat the healthy food?  What’s the point of having a gym membership if you aren’t motivated to go workout?  What’s the point of receiving amazing advice from your doctors if you sabotage your success every step of the way? 

There’s a reason you keep sabotaging your success. I have no clue what that reason is.  You may not have a clue either.  The truth resides in your subconscious.  Hypnosis helps to reprogram your mind for success.  Take that next step forward.  Make an appointment today!